Books by Robert Glazer

Robert is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of
books on topics such as peak performance, personal growth, partner
marketing and excelling in the world of remote work.


A #1 Wall Street Journal, USA Today and International Bestseller

“Bob Glazer is an unusually forward-thinking leader, and in this
book he highlights some of his most inspiring lessons about how
to bring out the best in yourself and others.” – Adam Grant

Elevate Your Team

“Elevate Your Team is the roadmap for a new generation of leaders who build organizations by helping their people thrive both personally and professionally — without burning out. Robert Glazer shares a vision for creating lasting organizations where people love to work.” – Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

Rethinking Two Weeks' Notice

“Few life events are more stressful than quitting a job or being fired. But is this stress necessary? Robert Glazer provides a compelling case for a more humane and natural way to deal with the inevitability of employees moving on.”

Cal Newport, New York Times Bestselling Author of Slow Productivity and Deep Work

How To Thrive In The Virtual Workplace

A #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller

“This is a must-read guide to excelling in the newly remote working world.
Robert Glazer shares strategies to help leaders and workers unlock the
transformative possibilities of remote work.” – Aicha Evans

Friday Forward

“Friday Forward is a vital leadership resource that can help
every person, team or organization to build capacity and reach
their full potential” – Alan Mulally

Moving To Outcomes

“If you’re a CMO and your marketing is optimized for conversions,
rather than revenue, you need this book.” – Neil Patel

Performance Partnerships

“Performance Partnerships by Robert Glazer is a must-read, not only
for those in affiliate marketing, but for anyone who wants to
understand the power of creating mutually beneficial relationships
with your customers and clients.” – Keith Ferrazzi

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