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Moving to Outcomes

Why Partnerships Are
The Future Of Marketing

“If you’re a CMO and your
marketing is optimized for
conversions rather than revenue
you need this book.”

Neil Patel
Founder of Neil Patel Digital,
NYT Bestselling Author of Hustle

Praise For Moving To Outcomes
“Glazer and Wool make the persuasive case that relationships will matter most in the future of marketing. Moving To Outcomes is a proven playbook for the next great opportunity in marketing: partnerships at scale.”
Keith Ferrazzi
#1 NYT Bestselling Author & Founder/Chairman of Ferrazzi Greenlight & Go Forward To Work
“Moving To Outcomes shares proven strategies to help businesses build sustainable revenue through a scalable model of transparent marketing partnerships. It’s a great playbook for the partnership-driven future of marketing.”
Anna Fieler
Board Director, Shake Shack, J. Crew Group and Quinstreet and Former CMO, PopSugar
Moving To Outcomes will convince you that an ecosystem of scalable partnerships is crucial to the future of marketing. With the majority of world trade flowing indirectly, Glazer and Wool share a roadmap your business can’t afford to miss.
Jay McBain
Principal Analyst, Forrester
Partnerships are a game changer that will fundamentally shift how we think about marketing and revenue acquisition. Robert Glazer and Matt Wool have been at the forefront of the growing partnership economy, and Moving To Outcomes will leave you convinced that you need to make partnerships a priority for your company’s strategy.
David A. Yovanno
CEO of and author of The Partnership Economy
Global marketing partnerships have been driving growth for businesses of all sizes and industries. With Moving To Outcomes, Glazer and Wool bring the enormous potential of partnerships to the executive suite and share why partnerships offer an opportunity every business needs to seize.
Adam Ross
CEO, Awin
Glazer has done it again – making timely and challenging topics oh, so read-able!  He and Wool have taken a wildly complex and dynamic modern marketing eco-system and broken it down into clear and concise frameworks and action-oriented, practical advice for anyone out there trying to build a consumer-facing business.
Laura Joukovski
CEO, Global Fashion Brands, TechStyle
Partnerships have already played a key role on both sides of our business - acquiring new consumers and launching new merchant partners, and Moving To Outcomes shares how scalable, tech-enhanced partnerships will become a foundational marketing strategy that the C-Suite can’t afford to overlook. Glazer and Wool share a playbook for success for both publishers and eCommerce brands alike for the future of partnership marketing.
Amit Patel
CEO and President, Rakuten Americas
Acceleration Partners has helped hundreds of brands achieve sustainable, scalable ROI through trusted affiliate marketing partnerships. In Moving To Outcomes, Glazer and Wool share their winning formula with the world on how to pay for marketing that works. A must read for any CEO/CMO who wants to diversify their digital marketing.
Hannah Wharrier
Managing Director, Digital Marketing Division, Clarion Events
Effective digital marketing is about people and relationships. Moving To Outcomes is the playbook for helping you build effective, outcome-based relationships with leading marketing partners to drive better ROI for your business.
Ben Kirshner
Founder of Tinuiti
There are a lot of snake oil salesmen who promise businesses that investing in online advertising will drive unlimited growth with minimal risk. Bob Glazer adroitly exposes such myths, giving readers a roadmap to finding success with paid media while also identifying alternatives that can help you avoid over-reliance on Google and Facebook.
David Rodnitzky
Founder and CEO, 3Q Digital
No matter what your business is, your marketing strategy today probably isn’t suited for tomorrow. With Moving To Outcomes, Glazer and Wool share the marketing playbook they’ve helped the best e-commerce brands run for years. Learn how you can prepare your business for the future with a strategy built on outcome-based marketing partnerships that drive scalable ROI.
John Jantsch
Founder of Duct Tape Marketing and Bestselling Author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Ultimate Marketing Engine
Moving to Outcomes powerfully highlights that the needs of the marketer have never been more aligned with what our category is capable of delivering. Brand marketing and performance marketing are converging quickly, driven by the fundamental change of the power shift from the brand to the consumer. The growth channels of paid social and paid search have reached the point of diminishing returns and C-suite marketers are recognizing that their go forward growth engine will be built on sustainable, profitable marketing partnerships.
Matthew Gilbert
CEO of Partnerize
Moving To Outcomes is a perfect guide to help businesses pay for marketing that works! For executives who want to compete in the next era of marketing Glazer and Wool’s playbook shouldn’t he missed.
Brian Scudamore
Founder & CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and O2E Brands and Bestselling author of WTF?! (Willing to Fail)
Every smart marketer knows the power of partnership marketing. This excellent book takes you through a deep understanding and implementation
Allan Dib
Founder of Successwise and Author of The 1-Page Marketing Plan
Why You Need Moving To Outcomes

From #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author Robert Glazer and Matt Wool comes a revolutionary approach to partnership marketing, which is poised to become the fastest growing channel of marketing in the next decade.

Partnership marketing is not new; it has existed in many different forms, and under many different names, such as affiliate marketing, for decades. However, thanks to transformative changes in enabling technology and pricing models, as well as a change in both advertiser supply and brand demand, partnership marketing now exists in a more automated, scalable form that some of the world’s most successful companies are now leveraging. Drawing from success stories from leading brands, Moving To Outcomes will show readers how they can unlock more sustainable, scalable ROI with their marketing dollars.

Every brand’s marketing strategy is akin to an investment portfolio, which requires diversification. While brands are quick to pour budget into popular channels such as paid search or paid social, these channels get more expensive and less profitable each year. Partnership marketing offers a profitable channel where marketers can diversify their marketing investments and get better returns that are sustainable in the long term. History shows us that companies who take advantage of a new channel before it becomes ubiquitous reap the largest rewards.

Marketers today have a choice. They can keep doubling down on advertising with the digital goliaths of today —and pay prices that rise every year—or begin to diversify and invest in partnership marketing channels that will set their business up for future success and help them outpace the competition.

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