Episode 460

John Warrillow on Building A Business You Can Sell


John Warrillow is the founder of the Value Builder System, a software program that helps thousands of businesses build more value for customers and investors. He is also the bestselling author of three books, Built To Sell, The Automatic Customer, and his latest, The Art of Selling Your Business, which came out in January 2021. He is also the host of Built To Sell Radio.

John joined host Robert Glazer on the Elevate Podcast to talk about how to build a business that attracts lifetime customers and create your exit strategy.

Three Key Things You’ll Learn
1. The key differences between a profitable business and a sellable one.
2. How entrepreneurs can build a business with their exit in mind.
3. How to know when it’s the right time to exit your company.

Learn More about John
John’s Website
John’s Bio
John’s Books
Built To Sell Radio
Follow John: Twitter | LinkedIn| Facebook

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