Episode 351

Sebastian Junger on Tribalism and his Reflection on a Near Death Experience


Sebastian Junger is a journalist, author and filmmaker who has reported on some of the most dangerous and difficult places on earth. He is the New York Times bestselling author of several books, including The Perfect Storm, War, Tribe and his latest, In My Time of Dying, which releases today. He is also the director of an Academy Award nominated documentary, Restrepo, which is an unflinching look at the war in Afghanistan.

Sebastian joined host Robert Glazer on the Elevate Podcast to talk about our tribal nature, reflections on a near death experience, and how we honed his craft as one of the world’s best nonfiction writers.

Learn More about Sebastian
Sebastian’s Website
Sebastian’s New Book – In My Time of Dying
Sebastian’s Previous Book – Tribe
Follow Sebastian: Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram
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